Wednesday 13 August 2014

For learning hacking one must be aware of the fact that what actually hacking is????
And here is a bit explanatin that would give you a brief idea about hacking.....


Hacking is a process in which one modifies or acceses the datas of a system remotely or physically...
It can be of different jonours....
The person indulged in these kinds of activities are termed as hackers.Hackers are basically of three types:

  • White hat

               A white hat hacker is someone who has non-malicious intent whenever he breaks into security systems and whatnot. In fact, a large number of white hat hackers are security experts themselves who want to push the boundaries of their own IT security ciphers and shields or even penetration testers specifically hired to test out how vulnerable or impenetrable (at the time) a present protective setup currently is. A white hat that does vulnerability assessments and penetration tests is also known as an ethical hacker.  

  • Black Hat

A black hat hacker, also known as a cracker, is the type of hacker that has malicious intent whenever he goes about breaking into computer security systems with the use of technology such as a network, phone system, or computer and without authorization. His malevolent purposes can range from all sorts cybercrimes such as piracy, identity theft, credit card fraud, vandalism, and so forth. He may or may not utilize questionable tactics such as deploying worms and malicious sites to meet his ends.

  • Grey Hat

A grey hat hacker is someone who exhibits traits from both white hats and black hats. More to the point, this is the kind of hacker that isn't a penetration tester but will go ahead and surf the Internet for vulnerable systems he could exploit. Like a white hat, he'll inform the administrator of the website of the vulnerabilities he found after hacking through the site. Like a black hat and unlike a pen tester, he'll hack any site freely and without any prompting or authorization from owners whatsoever. He'll even offer to repair the vulnerable site he exposed in the first place for a small fee.

Guys this blog is not just for knowing about hacking but it is also for learning few basic and interesting things which may or may not be useful in hacking.....

Guys this blog is not just for